122.5 of the 195 countries in the world have internet access. The .5 indicates Khazakstan as they are half way there.

In developing countries, the Internet is even more powerful than it is elsewhere. It can connect people who have known only subsistence to the modern economy, and provide them with opportunities for social and economic advancement. Yet most people in developing countries, some 56 percent of the world’s population, still do not use the Internet. The internet as a human right - Brookings 2016-11-7 · The 193 signatory countries have already committed to improving internet quality, sustainability, and accessibility—a first step to internet access truly being treated as a human right. How many schools are connected to the Internet? 2020-5-8 · If Internet connectivity is simply not possible today, other forms of 'connecting' are still worth exploring in the interim.) Establish partnerships with multiple levels of government and the private sector, particularly with telecommunications companies, to negotiate low cost access to Internet services.

In many countries, governments have spent a large amount

The Internet’s history goes back some decades by now – email has been around since the 1960s, file sharing since at least the 1970s, and TCP/IP was standardized in 1982. But it was the creation of the world wide web in 1989 that revolutionized our history of communication. The inventor of the world wide web was the English scientist Tim Berners-Lee who created a system to share information Why do some countries censor the internet?

Very interesting question, depends on really how you define "no internet access." There are those that have internet access but deny connection to Google services, fitness health sites, news sources, social networks and alternative media. Such c

How many countries are there In the world that do not have There are at least 13 countries that severely limit or deny internet service to their populations. Its about CONTROL After all. These countries reasoning behind Denial of Internet Service is. To Restrict free knowledge To restrict exposure to more